The legal background of the obligations for industry to submit information on hazardous mixtures comes from Article 45 and Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation.
The Implementing Regulation introduces two main elements:
A harmonised format for submitting information to appointed bodies – A common EU format will gradually replace the current national information requirements. Information to be provided relates to the chemical composition of hazardous mixtures, identity and concentration ranges of ingredients, toxicologicalinformation and the product category according to a harmonised European product categorisation system (EuPCS).
The unique formula identifier (UFI) – The UFI is a unique code to be printed on the label of the product. It creates an unambiguous link between a product placed on the market and the information on that specific mixture submitted to poison centres, so that the chemical formulation of the product can be precisely and rapidly identified. A precise identification is necessary to provide appropriate curative measures in the case of an emergency call.
Importers and downstream users placing hazardous mixtures on the market will be responsible for submitting the required information in the relevant Member States.